You just can’t beat the all-around usefulness and charm of the simple and humble Mason jar. Developed for home canning and pickling, they’re easy-to-find, affordable (expect to pay $2-3 for…
From sunny chevrons to sassy stenciled blooms, these decor accent paint projects are guaranteed to make you pattern happy. Bright without going neon, the fresh juicy colors…
Show off your bountiful blooms in vintage vessels. Floral trimmings from the backyard always look best in a casual outfit, so skip the crystal vase and opt instead…
Waste not, want not! Gather up a stash of fabric leftovers to fashion fun and stylish items for your home. Sweeten up a simple white lampshade (or camouflage…
Nothing perks a home up more, indoors or out, like fresh flowers. If you lack the luxury of a cutting garden, look down your grocer’s produce aisle. Cut…
A fireplace is automatically a focal point in any room. Sheer size alone usually gives it pride of place so that’s where eyes will gravitate. Make it stand…